Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let's Get Acquainted

Hello and Welcome to Niagara Defined.

This blog is my project to introduce and maybe re-introduce some of you to Niagara. Niagara Defined is going to do exactly that, define Niagara and everything about it; what it has to offer, what it is doing, what is new, what to do, where to go, why it is a great place to visit, and much, much more. The only thing YOU have to do is to see it for yourself, and I am here to help you do that.

Well, without further hesitation, let me introduce myself:
I am Ali, and I have lived in Niagara my whole life, mind you I am only 23 and am unaware of what my future will bring, but I do know that I will always call Niagara home. I live on a vineyard, with my parents, brother and sister. I still live at home because I am attending Brock and studying English Literature. After I graduate, I am hoping to accomplish a number of things, such as becoming: a writer, a book-reviewer, a librarian, a journalist, and maybe even a food and wine critic. Hopefully, I will be able to dabble in all the above, but we shall see. My passions are learning new things, reading, writing, cooking, and "wine-ing and dine-ing." To sum me up, I am a book-worm/vegetarian/local-movement activist/girl who permanently has either a pen in her hand or a book, and if neither are in my hand, then it must be a glass of wine.

So, that is a little bit of info about me, and now onto the fun stuff… experiencing Niagara.

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